Each Mother Their Own Community Online At Mommy Web Gibts Now The Groups

Frankfurt, Mommy Web launching new groups functionality from now every mother Mommy Web can form their own group with its own photo album and Group Forum with the introduction of the Group functionality online parent network Mamiweb.de since late last week provides its members with the opportunity to create their own groups and to administer them itself. This can be both thematic and regional trade groups. Thus it provides its members to unite according to their interests in groups and active Exchange Mommy Web. Continue to Mommy Web allows to form regional groups and to organize local meetings its members using the Group feature. Our members have the ability to close contacts to like-minded people outside of the Internet with the group. We carry the success story of mommy Web thus now on the local level”, so Carina Runge-Mathis, co-founder of mommy Web and even mother. In just six months, Mami Web lists more than 40,000 actually registered members and a substantial increase in the level of awareness within the target group. Mommy Web (mamiweb.de, mamiweb.at, mamiweb.ch) is a fast-growing free social network for moms Mommy Web and who want to be there.

Offered a place on the Internet is Mommy Web them, where they to ask questions, get tips from other moms, or learn about just nice moms from the regional environment. Mommy Web man / woman finds out what you can to do with kids, and there is the possibility to give up listings (E.g. I am offering children’s clothes”, I’m looking for an apartment in Munich,” etc.). Also, there is Mommy Web Magazine by daily new articles from the field of child, family, and pregnancy. Photo albums can be created and sent in a simple way. The mommy Web groups provide each Member the opportunity to build an individual community, regardless of whether according to thematic or regional aspects. Mommy Web questions range from Assistance in pregnancy up to topics such as nutrition, maternity protection and caesarean section. “Mommy Web Magazine article be on topics such as baby foods” growth spurts “and many more. Reprint free of charge, receipt requested press contact: Valerie Dietrich / Natalija Krenz Mamiweb.de valerie (at) mamiweb (dot) de Felix (at) mamiweb (dot) de Tel.

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