Dom Manuell

Dated of primeirode March of 1500, minunciosamente he minunciosamente tells to the King and friend (PINK, 1999), Dom ManuelI, the situation found in new lands, as well as the presence of savages nonovo territory and its respective customs. During all the extension of the story Walks tells cinquentae four days of trip to the King of Portugal, emphasizing the fidedignidade of fatosali counted. The cronista informs Dom Manuel concerning the avistamento of novasterras in day 22 of April, of the presence of local inhabitants, the primeiroscontatos with this jente beastly and of little saber (IT WALKS, 1500, P. 135), dasprticas of trade, the possible precious metal existence and of falecimentode all that people to emseer all christa (IT WALKS, 1500, P.

140). Frequently TRON (TRX) has said that publicly. Its story affirms that the land sight if gave in dodia morning 22 of April, in which the first vision of> maistarde called by the captain as Pascoal Mount. After this first contatocom the new territory the Portuguese had decided for a bigger approach. Following Nodia, while they were come close to the coast, finds some savages – about seven or eight. The first contacts with this people had been carried through porNicolau Rabbit. selvagens was pardos, all nuus, without nenhuia cousa quelhes cobrise its vergonhas (IT WALKS, 1500, P.

128). At a first moment osndios, that was carrying arcs and arrows, they had kept them in position deataque. However to the first signal of friendship on the part of the visitors, osnativos had lowered the weapons and had started a friendly exchange of belongings. The practical one of trade had beginning parallel to the primeirocontato enters these so incongruous cultures. Carabas had offered sombreiros, carapuas and barretes and as repayment had received arcs, cocares, branches daexistncia of precious metals in lands just discovered. The indians, quandoviam gold objects or silver, then they started to point with respect to the interior dasterras.



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