Devaluation Policy

You, ordinary citizen, a man standing, as in plate is often called who lives simply u opts for simplicity, leave your home to do any diligence and immediately stumbles upon the undeniable: nearly a motorized hits him across the street. Replacement of the scare, after corroborating that he wasn’t so crazy as to launch into the street with the green traffic light, loose an imprecation and continued with his step towards your goal, forgetting such conductors as moves by the sidewalk. But know, with certainty, that there are more crossings ahead, which must cross them, and life begins to introduce as a random, an adventure, where its security seems to make a game, nothing funny, by the way. You cannot avoid thinking that it is only an ordinary man, middle class or lower level (leave policy), that comes out to take a walk to the city with all the right that gives living in it and be called by its name. But while walking on the sidewalk knows, firsthand, the feelings of the people passing by in the Street, that such sentiment or aspiration is not more that a sovereign bullshit, simply because it doesn’t exist there anyone or anything that put coto to such adrenaline wheeled, motorized clearly without legal restraint whatsoever, without legal Primer to be respected, not officials or action audiences that require them. The fact foresee a malabar come evicted people from the pavement by where you walk confirms it is, passing the more consistently to think that there is not even a small notion of citizenship, of Convention of the law of contract, city or common agreement to follow certain rules of understanding that at least illusions that you can live with a little peace in Caracas. You know that it is so, even though the reason that has taken him from his house to errands to distract from his conviction. . Jonathan Rosen BerlinRosen gathered all the information.



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