Czech Republic National Rights
Czech President Vaclav Klaus is a staunch advocate of national rights and freedoms, both the Czech Republic and of its every citizen. The last election in Ireland led to the fact that the majority of the population Ireland have expressed their desire to join the Lisbon Treaty. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Gary Kelly. This suggests that the European Union and in general all of Western Europe is half a step from the big changes in management structure of all countries and of unified both domestic and foreign policy. The signing of the Lisbon treaty by all countries of the European Union means a step towards the formation of the European Parliament, the choice of a single president and Euro Euro Cabinet. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as cloud computing by clicking through. That is each of the countries of the European Union partly loses its sovereignty and independence, which is very active and opposes the present president of the Czech Republic. Half-step, which was done by the European powers to these very significant changes in the structure of all states is the signing of the Lisbon Treaty by Poland and the Czech Republic. According to the latest signing by Poland is expected in the coming days, Poland has chosen a policy of "Capricious" and state, which breaks down in front of every insignificant or significantly important decision in the political structure of Europe. At the moment came when the President of Poland will decide under time pressure and circumstances and will sign an agreement meeting the requirements of European countries.
The Czech president remains adamant and denies everything. Heads of states of the European Union is constantly visited by a visit to Prague and Assure that the signing of the contract, Vaclav Klaus, is a matter of time. It must be noted that the Treaty of Lisbon (Lisbon smluva-in Czech) was adopted by the Czech Parliament earlier vote, the last harmonization of the laws of the Czech Republic is the recognition and signature of the higher person in the country. Few people know and remember that the last presidential elections, Vaclav Klaus won his chief opponent for the presidency with superiority of a parliamentary vote. Vaclav Klaus led the country for a second consecutive term, that is for another 5 years. President of the Czech Republic Czech parliament elects, and citizens of the Czech Republic can vote only Deputies of the Parliament. Who knows what would have become of the signing of a pan-European treaty, if the elections are not won by the president.
But at the moment there is that there are all frozen in the expectation that be? How to behave Vaclav Klaus in a situation when left alone – his personal step to take care of the complete independence of the Czech Republic and the new Act in Europe. According to media (TV channel Euronews) on 09.10.2009 Vaclav Klaus promised sign the contract, if the European Union the Czech Republic will go to a meeting and would not sign a contract clause "charter of independence." If the European Union will go to meet the Czech Republic, as previously done this with respect Poland, the Czech Republic, for it would mean a very important moment in its sovereignty. The territorial integrity of the Czech Republic in the form in which it exists after the Second World War and the redistribution of European space in 1945 remain unchanged, and no neighboring country would not qualify for land that previously belonged to them, and is currently owned by the Czech Republic. Just a tv channel Euronews reported that the signing of the Lisbon Contract Polish president is scheduled for 10.10.2009.
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