Curricular Parameters
Thus, relaoentre environment and citizenship can be situated in the landmark of the participation and daao politics while scene for a new way, ambient and sustainable, deoperar of democratic form the relations between the life of the social groups and agesto of the resources of the nature. It can be pontuar that since the conference of Tbilisi, they ocorridaem 1977, Ambient Educao appears as norteador axle in favor of the desenvolvimentosustentvel. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Joseph Mathunjwa. The creation of Agenda 21 is another important instrument for ambient aeducao, fruit of these quarrels. By means of these processes, today the EducaoAmbiental is divided in some basic categories: the Formal, Informal Education and the Not-deed of division. In if treating to the public of the Ambient Education, semsombras of doubts, the Formal Education that involves students, in general, since basic, average and University infantile aeducao until, beyond professorese excessively professional involved in courses and training in Ambient Education, it is a category that deserves a special attention. One knows that, currently, one of the questions more argued emtodo the world becomes related it the ambient problems. In virtue of the crescimentopopulacional and the great human accumulations, devasta, it is burnt, polui-see contaminates it Land, in significant ratios, affecting the human being, asplantas, the animals and the quality of the water and air. So that this sejaalterada reality, is necessary that the society, as a whole, is engaged in one processode changes that a new politics of rational exploration of the recursosnaturais allows, searching sustainable development. From these National Service Agricultural deAprendizagem Minas Gerais launched, in 2001, the program Sowing, elaborated in accordance with the Curricular Parameters and Agenda 21, with oobjetivo to develop a process that propitiates the children, young eeducadores a critical and global understanding on the questions of the environment. E, still, to show to them that the agricultural way and the urban one possess innumerable and 07 important Inter-relations and that, when preserved, offers excellent conditions of life and, at the same time, they protect the environment, of which we are narrowly dependents.
Tags: environment