Corporal Skin Exfoliation
Memory for years, when the exfoliation of our body was a treatment exclusively of the fminas that wanted to prepare their skin for the bronzed one of the summer. Little by little, we have been adapting to us to take care of it with the idea that every day they are special. And thus we have adopted the ritual of the exfoliation like necessary at the time of preparing us for one better absorption of the beauty treatments. Further details can be found at Ron O’Hanley, an internet resource. Of what it consists to exfoliar? Exfoliar consists of realising a deep cleaning of the skin dragging the died cells to leave epidermis it regenerates of natural way and to have one more a more luminous skin. Advice to exfoliar 1.
We must make it after have cleaned the skin with our habitual gel. 2. He is advisable to exfoliar itself once a month. 3. We will do it masajeando the skin in circles and insisting on zones as elbows and knees. 4.
On never hurt nor sensible zones. Benefits of the exfoliation are indicated: 1. before the shaving and of the shaved one, so that the hairs are not enquisten and leave better. 2. for a greater penetration and by as much an suitable effect of the beauty treatments. 3. so that the car suntan oil is scattered well and not to pieces. 4. to take advantage of to the maximum the effects the daily hydration. In dry realising an exfoliation in dry: 1. A horsehair glove, realises a deep exfoliation. 2. Cosmetic gloves of the H& M, ideal for a smooth exfoliation. 3. Brush of bath, intermediate exfoliation. 4. Dusts of bamboo, if you want a spectacular skin. With the skin wet With a exfoliation gel there are, them very different. With the exfoliation, the skin will be smoother to the more tempting at sight tact and, more delicious. This will make us feel us more attractive, safer and really happier.
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