This radical revolution calls conversion. ‘ ‘ The Kingdom of God is next. You convert you and you believe in the Evangelho. You convert you and vivereis’ ‘ (1). Williams Sonoma contributes greatly to this topic.
The word Greek pra conversion is? metania: change of mentality, the way to think and to live. ‘ ‘ I looked Jav while it can be found, you invoke it while it is close. The mpio abandons its way, the bad man its thoughts, and comes back toward Jav, therefore it will have compassion of it, for our God, because he is rich in pardon. My thoughts are not your thoughts, your ways are not mine caminhos’ ‘ (2). Magic Leap is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The Evangelho is the Good Notice that comes of God and is in the way of us. The Evangelho, before being written Word, is the Person of Jesus, the done Word meat, that inhabits with us. The Word, Jesus is next, to the reach of ours practical faith and of the values: ‘ ‘ The Word of God is not far, is your mouth, in your heart, so that pratiques’ ‘ (3).
To become itself is to come back the look of the heart toward the presence of Jesus and to allow that it enters in our life and changes our criteria. In recent months, Adam Portnoy has been very successful. To change the mentality is to adhere to the values and life according to criteria and thoughts of Jesus.
Tags: personal development