Very well, apparently already you decided that you wish to be industralist in the Internet and that you are going away to dedicate to write electronic books. Perfect, I congratulate to you. On a daily basis electronic books by millares are sold and the demand grows. This does not seem to be a fashion. Rather it is a logical tendency in the market.
The competition enters great companies such as Sony and Amazon, are accelerating this demand and the creation of sites in which it is possible to put your books on sale electronic, is every greater day. Until recently only we had a great intermediary in Clickbank, but at the moment your books will be put to him sale and at the disposal of affiliates in many other sites like Click2Sell, PayDotCom, Amazon, Sony, etc. Surely there will be many others of which I have not noticed myself, but ten the security of which this market is in frank expansion. Your first book.The most difficult part is to write the first paragraph. When you see all the project, it seems an impossible mission. It is therefore that one is due to work in small parts that they are manageable.
It is like when these trying to scale a mountain, you see towards the top covered with clouds and it seems to you that never you arrived. There is a single form to scale a mountain, passage by step. Now it thinks about your electronic book you are going, it to create exactly equal, passage by step and in a moment you will be stopped in the summit of your mountain. As if you were a montaista, you must of organizarte before beginning to climb. Nevertheless, instead of to prepare your tools of climber, here what you are going to do is to put your thoughts in sequence. There are certain steps that you must take into account.
Tags: psychology