According to the president of the organization, Francisco Gonzlez, to create job is necessary to have an economic plan ” much more elaborado”. He responds to the intention of Rubalcaba thus to apply to a new rate to boxes and banks to create job. He sees necessary the application of reforms in three fronts to leave the crisis: the financial system, the labor market and the public cost. The president of the BBVA, Francisco Gonzlez, considers that to impose a new rate to the bank ” sentido” does not have any; and it thinks that what needs Spain ” is a Government; fuerte” that ” confronts structural reforms; resolutely and profundidad”. ” What has sense is to put this country to work and to create positions of trabajo” , it adds to Gonzlez in an interview in the newspaper the World.
Gonzlez makes these declarations in reference to the intention of the candidate of the PSOE to the next general elections, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, to apply new tributes to the financial system when maintaining that it is the moment for requesting to the boxes and the banks that let part of their benefits to create use. According to the BBVA president, to create job ” is necessary to have an economic plan; much more elaborado” and to give confidence to the national economy and to the international investors, but not to create a new tax to the bank because ” it would not generate positions of trabajo”. To reform three fronts According to Gonzlez, Spain needs to confront ” with urgencia” reforms in three fronts, the financial system, the labor market and the public cost, to be able to leave the crisis. ” We cannot waste more time without we remove to Spain from that league that does not interest to us, the one of Portugal, Ireland and Grecia” , it adds. The bank did not cause to the crisis the president of the BBVA is totally in agreement with the great vindication of 15M of which ” it does not have right to that the young people do not find a position of trabajo” , but it rejects the critics of which they are the banks the cause of the crisis. The existence of organizations badly managed and that they have had to receive public aid does not justify the demonizacin of all the sector, considers. On the lack of credit, Gonzlez affirms that the problem is that there are no credit requests and assures that, since occupies the BBVA presidency for the first time, it sees ” the empty pipes of operaciones”.
Test of solution On the other hand, and in relation to the test resultses of solution to the European bank published Friday, the BBVA president considers that it is ” first paso” , but that is necessary to continue advancing so that all the European bank has the necessary capital. On the matter, it indicates that the European banks are undergoing ” sobremanera” the existing division in Europe on the resolution of the Greek problem and augurs that there will be new concentrations in the zone derived from the uncertainty situation. In his opinion, the Spanish bank ” it has come out parada” well; of the solution tests and one has demonstrated that the lack of capital of some organizations is a problem ” limited and asumible” for the country.
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