Bank Deposits
Types of bank deposits can define bank deposits as money deposited in a bank that it proceed to its custody. Traditional bank deposits are called irregular because there is the obligation to return the monetary equivalent that has been deposited in them. Types of existing deposits are: * view, in which the financial institution has the obligation to return the funds, partially or totally, deposited by the client when it wishes to. To term, according to which the depositary bank must wait a certain period of time (previously specified) to retrieve the committed funds to the financial institution. The fundamental characteristics of the deposits can specify in: * liquidity: anytime the client may proceed to withdraw the money which has previously deposited. * Security: financial institutions are subject to a strict control on the part of the Bank of Spain or in each country and there is the deposit guarantee fund, but does not cover the entire amount deposited, doing so in the majority. * Simplicity: compared to other products of investment or financial instruments the bank deposit offers the minimum number of requirements of formalization. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Learn more. In barely ten minutes we can you have an account opened with a financial institution and deposit our savings in it.
Within deposits (deposit term e.g..)that can be set to different entities financial find current account and savings book. The current account is a banking contract whereby the holder enters funds in that account, which may withdraw, increase or decrease according to your convenience. It is a reservoir in sight. The current account is a banking contract whereby the holder enters funds in that account, which may withdraw, increase or decrease according to your convenience with advantages such as the approval of bank loans. It is a reservoir in sight.
The danger of this type of account is to have more money than we have deposited (discovered), since this will lead to the appearance of the so-called red numbers which will cause the collection of commissions and interests (usually very high) to the account holder by the amount exceeded until it is reset to zero current account balance. Current accounts offer besides services of protection, Bank loan, savings and others as direct payments, safe from accidents, advances in payroll, preferential credits, etc. The savings account differs from the previous in which its support is constituted by a saving book and those discovered in account are not allowed and do not have stub. The withdrawal of cash can be performed through the presentation of the book in the Bank or the use of credit or debit card. It supports payments by direct debit receipts and payroll.
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