Bank Customers
the new study by the bbw marketing: It is not even a year ago banks – ways in the future -, as concluded by the bbw marketing: the financial crisis has made the business world on its head. All rules seem no longer to apply. From the consumer perspective, the major cause of the financial crisis are the banks themselves that are focused too much on the Bank’s earnings. The financial market crisis has harmed the reputation of the credit industry and weakened confidence in the safety of the funds. “It is now a year later and two years after the collapse of Lehmann’s time to strike a new balance. What is caught by the crisis? Responds, and today is the bank customer? The customer will be screened. The brand-new financial topics such as customer satisfaction, needs of bank customers, use of bank branches, customer loyalty, customer trust and banking consulting discusses 364 pages from multiple angles.
The results represented broken down by various demographic and economic characteristics. Came out in the sense of a panel research a Result of volume, which is very detailed and leaves only a few questions. The result is somewhat surprising, because the customers differentiate clearly between the banking system, which is blamed for the crisis, and the own bank. A total 34 percent of respondents indicating according to the jomondo survey that they are currently very happy with their bank. But after the banking groups significant differences in contemplation. Direct banking exhibit the highest satisfaction with a share of 56 percent of very satisfied customers. In the Group of other banks, you can determine the second highest proportion of respondents very satisfied with 51 percent. One might think all in the lot, because only when the criterion of value for money and cost, a larger dissatisfaction can be determine with the own bank. Jeffrey Leiden may find it difficult to be quoted properly.
Tags: differentiate between the system and the Bank, finances, stock exchange & stock markets