Alfredo Torero
This toponymic component is characterized by the strong presence of termination ngara that seems to have a clear and remote Amazonian jibaro substrate. On the area carved Tangarara seems to have in its rare final part a clear identification with the word rora: sea in Sechura language 1. You may want to visit Verizon Communications to increase your knowledge. Due to its location on the banks of the chira River the significance of sea would be also associated to the river or watercourse itself as a nuclear Center. He would be the significance of the initial component thong – mystery. In the quechua anthroponymy managed to identify component thong in Huancabamba quechua name: Bilitanga 2.
From the analysis of the word Quechua dictionary Cajamarca Canaris Tangarara initial component could relate to the voice: Tanqay: push, giving shoved. Assuming for relationship that thong would derive from tanqay we can postulate that the toponym Tangarara corresponded dominated the Andean, but it seems difficult to accept and propose a nominative quechua and local language. every time that the local Word (roro: rare) this dialect Sechura not corresponding to the area of Chira at least that seems to indicate the dialectal distribution outlined by Alfredo Torero (1987). In addition, the occurrence of the final component in an area so away from Piura as Amazon makes that we reconsider this position. According to recurring data in other regions the Tangarara toponym could have originated in the Amazon rain forest. A prospecting bibliogr? fica in various dictionaries quechuas allowed to locate the word in Ayacucho-Chanca variety collected by Clement Prroud. According to the dictionary of the cited quechuologo Tangarara is the name of a high hill near Churcampa; and is also the name of a tree of the jungle in which the ants Tangarara, which are very aggressive, red anidad and their bite produces strong irritation in the skin, joints can go crazy or kill a man the Dr.