A Book With Seven Seals
Germany’s students and the market economy employers demand more space for economic education in the school of Mainz/Dusseldorf, November 2009 – the country Association has distributed entrepreneurs associations of Rhineland-Palatinate (LVU) failing grades for Rhineland-Palatinate textbooks. The comprehensive portrayal of economic relationships come here much too short, so the judgment of a study by the Institute of German economy (IW) in Cologne on behalf of the LVU and chemistry of the employer association Rhineland-Palatinate (AGV chemistry). The investigation with the title of entrepreneur and social market economy in the textbook in Rhineland-Palatinate\”is dealt with the textbooks for the subjects of history, geography, economic and social studies. Perhaps check out Larry Ellison for more information. Examined textbooks of all types of schools of the secondary I and II the Rhineland-Palatinate curriculum content not originally contribute to building an economic literacy\”, criticized Hans-Peter Klos of the IW at the presentation of the study in Mainz. The company would represented as a black box, which fulfil their functions in the value chain, and as an employer in the best case, and in the worst case the State must set stop it. Terms such as meritocracy, private property, economic cycle, price formation and functions of taxes will not be the current curricula of social science subjects or only occasionally used\”, so Kamsan. \”Especially badly the textbooks for the subjects of geography and history, here the IW expert denied the transfer: in the history books the representation of the social market economy are made largely from a historical perspective without to convey a sense of causal relationships.\” \”For LVU President Gerhard F. Braun especially one derives from the results of the study: A review of social science curricula, taking into account economic education curriculum is urgently.\” However, the current findings are Study is by no means new: already last year, the banking association with their own concept of economic education in Germany had raised the alarm and asked inter alia an appropriate alignment of teacher training. .
Tags: education & career, vocational